Show up in Google Maps!

Google Places & Bing Local Listings

Show up in Searches, Maps and Mobile Devices

Yo Mama Web Company will help get your company's information to appear in the Google Maps area. We follow the Google guidelines and primarily focus on providing the rich content you need for a better web presence using performance based keywords and phrases.

Update and Improve Your Business Info
Provide accurate and up-to-date information abour your business and services. We'll link your website, add categories, upload photos and videos, create coupons (if applicable), and get your listing verified by phone or mail - all in less than 24 hours in most cases.

Connect with Customers
Get important customer feedback and respond to reviews.
Important Tip: Google uses customer reviews as negative and positive factors for ranking your company in the Google Maps section, so we suggest using Google's coupon feature as an incentive for customer's to give you a review. A coupon for a FREE coffee or tea is a perfect gift for a quick, simple review. Ratings and reviews is a feature that should be used frequently, however, too many reviews at once can be a red flag.

Business Listings

Google Places Listing $300 setup: We'll claim your business listing and then incorporate robust content writing in your business information, update website and email links and add photos, videos, special offers or coupons (where applicable).

Bing Places for Business Listing $300 setup: We'll claim your business listing and then incorporate robust content writing in your business information, update website and email links and add photos, videos, special offers or coupons (where applicable).

Call 602-635-1949 or click Get Started today!

Business Listings SetupWebsite Design Cost